Dedicated to smart and effective quality control of welding processes
Boost quality control effectiveness with the utilization of our smart mobile interface for data collection, validation and archivization.
Get access to real-time status of welding production, collected quality data, automated reporting and quality management tools with our desktop application.
Take advantage of artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques for the analysis of welding quality processes that allow for the early detection of failures.
We are delivering engineering smart tools for data analysis from welding quality control with early detection and prediction algorithms of manufacturing or technology errors.
Our dedication to the optimization of welding quality control processes with the usage of intelligent systems is motivated by our desire to support engineers and quality controllers in their work. With that in mind, we prepared a unique system of quality control in Industry 4.0 that allows for:
Early detection of product quality hazards (e.g. use of poor quality raw material)
Automation of controllers' work in the field of reporting and communication
Data archiving and production history management to ensure the highest quality standards and security throughout the product life cycle
Ongoing quality supervision of subcontractors by including them in the common quality control system
Improving the quality of engineers' work ergonomics in the area of control planning and quality controllers' in the field of work organization and access to on-site information
Integration of plans with CAD models
Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone Deki Sp. z o.o. 2022
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